New England
The River Project, designed and facilitated by Gowri Savoor at NETAC's Vermont Gathering, July 2023
FEB 12th / 9:00-11:00am
260 Sumner St, East Boston
Calling all teaching artists, organizations and individuals working to support more thriving communities in the Boston area.
If you believe in the power of the arts to help individuals and communities thrive, we need your voice in this conversation about how the emerging New England Teaching Artist Collaborative (NETAC) can work to support Boston-area teaching artists.
NETAC is working to reorganize and align the system of actors in New England that support teaching artists as catalysts for improving the well-being of youth, families and communities.
Learn more about the mission and vision of NETAC here.
The meeting will be facilitated by Eric Booth and Paul Gambill from the Community Engagement Lab, which is helping to develop NETAC.
We invite you to let us know about specific accommodations you may need to participate in the meeting. We will make every effort to honor your request. You can let us know in the RSVP form or via email.
Arrive early for coffee and pastries!
New England Conservatory of Music